Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Home Visit #1--Check!

Well, we survived our first homestudy visit. The social worker came to our house this evening, and things went very well. We're only missing a few items of paperwork, so I expect things to be finished in about 1 1/2 weeks. The next step will be for us to mail the California documents to be authenticated, shich I hope I can take care of this week! Yeah God!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Still Chasing, But Moving Along

Nearly all of the required documents together, and our social worker is scheduled for Wednesday evening. I have my physical scheduled for tomorrow morning, and I'm a wreck! I always hate these things. I'll check in when our meeting is over.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Paperchase Begins

With all applications mailed and paid, we are currently paperchasing while working on our homestudy. We are using Adoption Assistance, Inc., who has agreed to handle our homestudy as an update! That's about $600 worth of good news! :)

We are praying for an abnormally fast homestudy and approval by the U.S. government. Roger has told his family, and they graciously agreed to help us with all of the preliminary fees involved. We will start applying for grants as soon as the CCAA gives their approval.

We cannot wait to post a picture of our new daughter!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

I think this is going to happen!

Ok, the signs are everywhere. Roger has commented that everywhere he has been this week, the subject of sermon, lecture, discussion, etc. has been faith! Tonight we received word from his wonderful parents that they are going to help us with the initial financial expenses for Ji Hong Li's adoption. This is such a blessing, as it will allow us to move ahead in the process and see us through until we can apply for grant money. Yea God! He is so good to us!

We are thrilled, and can finally "breathe out," knowing that our journey will be so much less stressful, and so much more possible! That little mustard seed is moving mountains for us! Thanks be to God!