Saturday, January 31, 2009

Whew! What a week!

I feel SO blessed to be sitting at a working computer, watching my little "Hannah Montana" dance to her video....we were without power for a couple of VERY cold days during this ice storm. We've thrown away the majority of our food, and tried to catch up on everything that you can't do with no power! We even lost our phone line for a few days....that didn't happen at all during the horrible 2003 ice storm! I feel so awful for those out there who are still without electricity. It's absolutely exhausting! We both had to work during the whole ordeal, so Emma went to work with me for a couple of mornings, then Daddy would pick her up and take her to his office in the afternoons. Parker stayed with Jennifer's family, so at least he was warm! Happily, things are now back to "normal," whatever that is!

We are still waiting for our I-800, but understand that it will be to us within a couple of weeks, God willing! :) Then, its a quick trip to D.C., and on to the Chinese Consulate for approval. I've read of very quick LID's and 55 days for travel approvals, so we are still praying for May travel! We've been spending our time working on grant applications, and have several of those in the works!

Hope that everyone is warm and blessed during this crazy Superbowl weekend!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

I800 Woes

We finally found out last Friday that our I800 is stuck at the NBC. Apparently we are short a document. A little disgusting just because we were not aware that we needed such a document, but we're hoping that the delay is not a long one. Hopefully the document will be completed in California next week and on its way back to us asap. Then it has to be sent to our officer, who told Roger that was the only thing that she was waiting, if you are praying with us, please pray for a quick resolution to this problem!

We still need to send everything to D.C. for authentication, then to the Chinese Embassy for approval. From there, I think that it will all be translated and sent to China. We don't really know what to expect from here, but are optimistic that we may be logged in by the end of February or first of March! :)

We have had some more encouraging news on the financial front, but our original source of funding is still MIA. We are praying that resumes very soon! Interestingly enough, our pastors sermon last week was on faith. Specifically the faith of David. He referenced the battle of David versus Goliath. As anyone can tell you, the adoption process is ONE BIG GOLIATH!! I unfortunately had to work, but as Roger was telling me about the sermon, I wept. It was as if God was personally saying to me "you're faith HAS to be stronger. You HAVE to trust me, Kris. I am behind this, and I am going to see this through for MY glory!" How awesome is our God!

I pray that you conquer all of your Goliath's this week!

Love you guys!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Baby's Birthday

My baby in china turns 8 today. We are praying that she is safe and happy today especially. She has received her book about our family by now......she may be changing her mind about the whole adoption thing right about now! ;) We look forward to having a big birthday party for both girls next year!

Without going into a whole bunch of personal information, we began this adoption in faith that this was God's plan, and would happen according to His perfect timing. Since Thanksgiving, a major source of our "adoption funding" has not been arriving as promised. If you are reading our journey, would you just pray that this source of funding begins again and continues steadily throughout our process? We are probably about 30 days from receiving our I-800a approval, which will result in a steady outflow of cash for awhile. We are praying for a financial blessing, as we apply for special needs grants, etc. God knows our need, and He will provide.

Hope that all of us have a peaceful, joyful 2009!