Friday, August 15, 2008

The Paperchase Begins

With all applications mailed and paid, we are currently paperchasing while working on our homestudy. We are using Adoption Assistance, Inc., who has agreed to handle our homestudy as an update! That's about $600 worth of good news! :)

We are praying for an abnormally fast homestudy and approval by the U.S. government. Roger has told his family, and they graciously agreed to help us with all of the preliminary fees involved. We will start applying for grants as soon as the CCAA gives their approval.

We cannot wait to post a picture of our new daughter!


1 comment:

Mary Malone said...

What the heck???? Why didn't you tell me this was going on??? Boy are you in trouble (LOL).

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You seriously need to privately e-mail me a picture since you kept this news from me.

I am sooooo excited for you guys!!! When do you expect to be pre-approved? What do Emma and Parker think about all of this???

Girl, why have you not screamed this news from the rooftops??? LOL


Yea Daman Family!!!!
