Monday, June 22, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

Its been a very tough weekend. We buried my grandma today, so we are all physically and emotionally drained. Please pray for my family during this most difficult time. She was a wonderful lady, but we all know that she is so much happier now. Still, we miss her terribly....

The U.S. posted a travel alert today for persons traveling to China. It warns about families being quarantined during this swine flu scare. Parents being separated from their children, etc. Its very frightening to me...I cannot imagine Emma being taken from us for five to seven days, and having no control over what is being given to her. Apparently the Chinese have been giving medication to children without having parent knowledge or approval.

At any rate, we are SERIOUSLY re-evaluating whether or not we should take Emma as planned. It breaks my heart to think of NOT taking her, especially because it would make Nina's transition so much easier, but I don't know if I can risk it if things continue. On the other hand, I don't exactly know who we would leave her with either. Parker isn't exactly old enough to play Mr. Mom for 10 or more days.

Please pray that this situation takes a turn for the better, and we won't have to worry about it!

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