Thursday, September 3, 2009

First of all, I am SO sorry!  The Great Firewall of China has proven to be MUCH more powerful than we EVER anticipated, and its taken us until now to figure out how to post to our blog!  Whew!!
Now, more importantly, we are doing FANTASTIC!!!  Nina Faith has been such a joy, and the only way to describe our journey so far is BLESSED!!!!  We know that all of you have been praying, and God has proven to be ever faithful again.  Our "gotcha day" was smooth and easy....Nina was calling us mama and baba within minutes, and grabbed our hands to hold while leaving the office.  Emma and Nina have become a force to reckon with, and Roger and I have realized their charming, giggly girl charms will forever do us in!  They are adorable together, seriously!  Today, Emma has REALLY fallen head over heels with her sister after a minor bout of jealousy yesterday...understandable!
I'm going to try to post some pictures, and pray that they will work!  Keep praying that all of us stay well, as we are all dealing with some congestion issues.  This afternoon, the jetlag finally hit me, and I slept from about 2 until 6!!!  Roger, and girls, are asleep now, and its only 7 pm!  Should be an interesting morning!!
It truly is so hot that we haven't done much of anything exciting....we've mostly been taking care of adoption interviews and paperwork while getting to know our newest blessing.
We love you all!

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