Monday, September 7, 2009


Hello again!  Today has been a pretty good day overall.  We are thrilled to be beyond the dreaded physical examination!!  Nina did fine, bless her little heart!  She is near sighted like the rest of us, and is 36 pounds (up 3 pounds), and 103 cm.  She only had to have 3 immunizations and a t.b. skin test.  She cried silent tears during her shots....she was trying to be so brave and so tough that it just broke my heart!   We kept ibuprofen in her all day, so there have been no ill effects so far.  Keep praying for the tb test results, far, so good, but we continue to pray for a normal reading.
We had Thai for lunch (those of you who have done this before already know what I'm going to say....) at Cow and Bridge, and back to Lucy's for dinner.  A little more shopping, some fake Hannah Montana fingernails, dropping off laundry, and bathtime completes our days activities.
Tomorrow we head to the mall!  BTW, for all you Gymbo people, they have clothes on the island with fake Gymboree tags! How funny!!
Enjoy the pics!!

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