Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday in Guangzhou

We had another wonderful day yesterday, although it was still very hot which wipes us out pretty well and we were still battling some jet lag.  So, on the jet lag front, three of us where up at 2:30 a.m., while Nina ending up sleeping in until about 6 a.m.  Roger, Emma and Nina took a walk to watch people excercizing by the river.   
After the walk, the four of us met up for breakfast and Nina ate more than I thought humanly possible for someone as small as she is.  Emma ate very well for us as well.  After breakfast, Kristina headed out for some shopping for gifts.  Roger, Emma and Nina had an adventure at the park.  Emma and Nina played extremely well together at the playground, and we got to see kids from a local school jogging around us.  But we didn't last long because of the heat.  Emma and Roger were sweating like crazy and Nina was hot too but she is more used to it so here hair was still dry.  So we headed to the White  Hotel to cool off for awhile, then grabbed some lunch at Subway and met Kristina back at the room.
The afternoon included one of the most important things that happens on an adoption journey to China.  But it was a little different than it was with Emma.  We went to a police station to get our red book for Nina.  It was done very quickly, and unlike last time where it was such a huge deal for all of us to get our red books, it was just, here you go.  For those of you that don't know, it is a very important document that says that Nina is ours from China.  Now, we just have to spend a week finishing all of the things like medical appointments, wait for her passport and visa, and U.S. consulate appointment.  But it's a huge step and we're thrilled!!
After that we went to the toy market and the two girls got to each pick out a doll and get some stickers.  Emma and Nina could not have been better for us at the market.  We were worried about Nina and how she would do with all of the people and activity, but she did just fine.  We came back to the hotel and the girls looked so tired but we headed out to eat dinner at Lucys.  Emma fell asleep at the table so Kristina and Emma headed back to the hotel before Roger and Nina because Nina was still eating like crazy.  The girls got to sleep pretty early.
Today we're going to a botanical garden, so it should be pretty hot but we'll just hang in there because we've discovered that both of our girls love flowers.  Thanks for all of the prayers!  We are doing so well, it's just amazing.


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