Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Yesterday was a pretty laid back day.  We had to go pick up some paperwork downtown, then we went to the mall.  Siman isn't much of a shopper, so we did't stay too long, much to baba's disappointment.  The girls were able to ride the bumper cars x 2, the carousel and take in a short 3D movie.  The mall is enormously big...about 9 stories!  We were told that on Saturday and Sunday, there are about 300,000 in the mall at one time!!  Wow!  that is bigger than the entire city of Lexington! 
To make up from our lack of shopping time at the mall, we shopped til we dropped on the island.  Emma was able to pick up some things with the money that she saved while Nina took a nap back at the room.  Later, mama, baba, jie jie and mei mei went out and bought a few dresses, a couple of sweaters, a couple of coats, and a few things for a couple of Emma's friends back home. 
For dinner, we walked quite a way in the heat of a magnificient italian restaurant on the island....I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone preparing to visit!  It was priced a little more to typical "American" standards, but well worth it!!
It thunderstormed most of the evening, overnight, and this mornng and has just stopped raining.  Today we are walking to the medical clinic to have Nina's t.b. test read...praise God, it appears to be normal!  Then we have to do more adoption paperwork for a few hours.
Nina is showing a little more of her personality/tiredness today. We received the film back that was delivered by the orphanage during her "gotcha" meeting.  She has been  a little quiet since looking at them.  She may be missing her friends.
Well, we are going to blow some bubbles by the river. 
BTW, it means so much to us that you guys care enough to follow our blog!  Thanks for all of you comments and messages!


1 comment:

Craig and Karla said...

I am so happy for you guys! Nina seems to be adjusting to her forever family.
I love looking at the pics and so do the kids. They keep saying..."hey, we went to that place too!!"

Still praying for the transition time and for no sickness!
Much love,
Karla & Craig and kiddos