Sunday, September 6, 2009


Hey all!  We are up (except for "Little Bit" who is still sleeping), and getting ready to Skype Roger's family.  Yesterday we visited a zoo in the city...a BIG hit with the girls!  We came back to the hotel afterwards,and ventured out on our own despite the heat.  We hailed a taxi and went to Lu Wan plaza for some McDonald's and shopping at the mall there.  We were able to buy Nina some light up tennis shoes (she loved Emma's) for about $18 USD.  Of course, then we had to buy Emma some too.  They are really cute, and were pretty cheap by US standards.  They literally spent hours playing with them at the hotel later, which was worth the $18 alone!  ;) 
We came back and did some local shopping on the island, picking up a few things for Parker.  On my way back to the hotel, I spotted the Paris Hilton of China apparently, with a crew of no less than 30 photographers following her and taking pictures of her posing with her LONG BLONDE hair!  Quite a spectacle!
Mama ordered pizza from Papa Johns, as Nina as very tired.  I was able to use my Mandarin to ask to speak to someone who could understand English....Will Corum would be so proud of me!  I have been able to converse a little with the locals, and I'm so glad that I learned just enough to be dangerous!  Another great thing that happened while shopping on the island occurred at Emma's Place.  We found someone who is from Maoming, which is the large city closest to Huazhou, where Nina is from.  She speaks the same dialect, so Nina was able to talk to her and to tell her that she is "happy."  What a blessing!!  God continues to surprise and amaze us daily!
I will post some pictures
Love to al!

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