Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's Official!!!!

We took the oath this morning at the U.S. Consulate's office!! Nina is OFFICIALLY ours in the eyes of the Chinese and United States governments. When we go through customs in San Francisco, she will be a U.S. citizen!! The lady at the consulate was really sweet, and seems genuinely excited for each family adopting. It was quite a bit different than the first time around, when we were herded into a room of crowded families...THIS time, there was only one family besides us, and the woman was behind a glass window at a walk up counter! Very casual, but meaningful nonetheless.

Unfortunately, our joy was cut short on the cab ride home. Nina looked a little sick and complained of a tummy ache right before we got the Westin hotel this morning where we met our guide. On the way home, she had a definite bout of car sickness, and threw up her breakfast all over herself and the cab. The driver was REALLY unhappy with us. Actually, he wasn't very nice to begin with and drove horribly....God forgive me, but if she HAD to throw up somewhere, she picked the right driver! ;) Anyway, the fare was 38 Yuan, and Roger gave him 100 Yuan to try to make up for it. When we got back to the hotel, she decorated the sidewalk and some bushes as well. Poor baby! She was green! Anyway, the hotel people were really sweet about it, and when we tried to clean it up, they sent us up to the room and said that it was fine. We gave her a bath, and redressed her, and she was in a great mood by the time that we put into bed for a little nap. We
figured she needed it!

We are not allowed to take pictures at the Consulate's office, so here are some pictures from yesterday. New nails, blowing bubbles, and some of the photography going on yesterday.

Love to all!



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